Introduction to PHP


4 min read

PHP recursively stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a server-side scripting language that allows us to create dynamic websites efficiently. It runs on a server and the result is returned to the browser. So, we need a local server and a database to work with PHP. XAMPP is a popular free cross-platform package that provides us with an Apache server and MariaDB on our local computer.

PHP in client and server

Getting Started

To start writing PHP code:

  • You can keep all your PHP projects in 'htdocs' folder located inside the XAMPP installation directory. Then, run it through localhost in the browser.

  • If you want to run PHP in custom directories, then use the "PHP Server" and "PHP Intelephense" extensions from VS-Code.

PHP Syntax

PHP code always starts with "<?php" and ends with "?>". Eg:

    // PHP Code

We can write the PHP code inside HTML tags. Eg:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    // "echo" is used to display output in PHP 
        echo "Hello World";


Variables in PHP start with a '$' sign followed by the variable name but we use a 'define()' function to create constants. We don't have to specify the data type for variables and constants. Eg:

    // Variables
    $myname = "Giver Khadka";        // String
    $age = 21;                        // Number
    $is_student = true;                // Boolean

    // Constant
    define("PI", 3.14);

    // Output: I am Giver Khadka
    echo "I am" . $myname;
    // Output: My age is 21
    echo "My age is $age"; 
    // Output: 1
    echo "$is_student"; 

    // Output: Value of pi is 3.14
    echo "Value of pi is " . PI;    

NOTE: The variable value only gets displayed directly when used inside double quotes("$variable"). If used inside a single quote('$variable'), then that will be considered as a string. Eg:

    $myname = "Giver Khadka";    

    // Output: My name is Giver Khadka
    echo "My name is $myname";
    // Output: My name is $myname
    echo 'My name is $myname';    


Dot (.) is used to do string concatenation and string[i] is used to retrieve an ith character from a string.

    $firstName = "Giver";
    $lastName = " Khadka";
    // Output: My name is Giver Khadka
    echo "My name is " . $firstName . $lastName;
    // Output: My name starts with G
    echo "My name starts with $firstName[0]";                    

String methods like strlen(), strtoupper() and strtolower() return string length, uppercased string and lowercased string respectively.

    // Output: My name is of length: 5
    echo "My name is of lenght: " . strlen($firstName);            
    // Output: My name in capital is: GIVER
    echo "My name in capital is: " . strtoupper($firstName);    
    // Output: My name in small letter is: giver 
    echo "My name in small letter is: " . strtolower($firstName);    

str_replace() is used to replace substrings of a string with another string. It takes 3 arguments:

  1. The substring that is needed to be replaced

  2. A string that replaces that substring

  3. The original string from where the substring will be replaced

    // Output: Replaced string is Student 
    $replaced = str_replace($firstName, "Student", $firstName);    
    echo "Replaced string is $replaced"; 

Math and Arithmetic

PHP also supports basic arithmetic operations like +, -, /, *, etc. Additional operators are **, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, etc.

    $radius = 5;
    $pi = 3.14;
    // Power Output: Area is 78.52
    echo "Area is " . $pi * $radius**2;
    // Output: Incremented radius is 6
    echo "Incremented radius is $radius";
    // Output: Decremented radius is 5
    echo "Decremented radius is $radius";
    $radius += 20;
    // Output: Increased radius is 25
    echo "Increased radius is $radius";
    $radius -= 10;
    // Output: Decreased radius is 15
    echo "Decreased radius is $radius";
    $radius *= 2;
    // Output: Multiplied radius is 30
    echo "Multiplied radius is $radius";
    $radius /= 4;
    // Output: Divided radius is 7.5
    echo "Divided radius is $radius";

There are many math functions like floor(), ceil(), pi(), etc.

    // Output: Floor value of pi is 3
    echo "Floor value of pi is " . floor($pi);
    // Output: Ceil value of pi is 4
    echo "Ceil value of pi is " . ceil($pi);
    // Output: Predefined value of pi is 3.1415926535898
    echo "Predefined value of pi is " . pi();